Monday, May 19, 2008


Well, looks like I spoke too soon! I was so glad that Addison took a long nap YESTERDAY...but today she woke up at 5:30 am. And of course, I stayed up last night posting my blog till 1am. Needless to say, I am SLEEPY.
We still had a good day though. Addie and I took it easy and just chilled out today. It was great not actually "having" to do anything. (Well, there were things that I probably shoulda coulda done..but oh well!)
We did get to go see my friend/photographer Jami today. She has a brand new baby girl and I just fell in love with her. She is so beautiful and tiny and sweet. I already have a touch of the baby fever again but I definatly want to wait a few years. It is just so hard to remember holding Addison when she was that small even though it has only been 8 months. It is crazy how much babies grow and change the first year! Evelyn is such a good baby too it seems. You cannot see them in the pic but she has the most adorable little dimples just like her momma! Can you tell her mom is a photographer or what?

Chris' work is celebrating 25 yrs and they want pictures of the employees' babies dressed in Huggies. Here are a fewpics from our photo shoot today!

I better sleep while she sleeps! Ciao!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ok, Jami's baby is adorable!! Addison should for sure be the next 'face of huggies'. You should be making money on that baby. She is tooo cute!