My niece Bethany came to stay with us this weekend while her mom went to the Women of Faith conference in OK City. I was totally bummed that I was unable to go this year because of conflicting work schedules (on Chris' part...since he had to watch Addie) But I am here to tell you that I am GOING next year! Rain or Shine! We did have a Women's Day of Refreshing at my church on Saturday which I really needed though. I was so glad to get to go..thank you Heather for watching the girls! (The Day of Refreshing is a whole blog in I won't elaborate here. I did take the girls to see Gradad and thought that this was a cute pic of them. Yes, they are dressed alike because apparently Jennifer, my sister, has the same taste in children's clothes that I do. Haha :) Just worked out that they had the same why not?? Aren't they cute??
Bethany looks JUST like Jennifer's baby pictures and Addison does favor me in a lot of ways...although Chris gets a lot of credit for her looks too. My mother said that it is just like having another little Jennifer & Amber running around. Jen and I were about this far apart. Addie is 14 months and Beth is almost 3. Although, Jen's hair was like the color of Addison's and my hair was the color of Bethany's. Weird :)

Addison is lovin' having "Bethie" around (as she likes to call her)

Oh Look, Pip matches too!
I also took a much needed coffee break with my friend Katy today! She brought me a Soy Almond Joy Latte which was YUMMY! And yes, it IS on my Top 10 List of Worst Foods..but it tasted so good and was worth the cheat! :) Addison and Izzy had a pretty good time playing together. (Until Addison attacked Izzy. She had a strangle hold on her over a toy at one point. Sorry Katy! Took me by surprise!! Yikes!) Anyway, they sat together and shared some "nutritious" GoldFish and then decided to play "Night, Night"

And as you can see, Pip is waiting for a always. Addison yells "NOOOOOO" if the dogs get any closter to her than this while she is eating. Although, Dixie did steal a cookie right out of her hand today which caused an Addison sized meltdown.
Cute pictures!
I have never been to a Women of Faith Conference. I really want to...I think it is a southern thing because it is never here.
Love the new background too by the way!
Aww Looks like they had a lot of fun together.
I saw Addison's twin in Walmart tonight. I didn't recognize who she was with so I was a little confused :)
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