The bottom picture is just that...her bottom. :) I don't know how good you all are at reading sonograms. It would be like she was laying on her tummy with her legs tucked under her and you see a rear view. You can see her hiney and then her feet tucked underneath. See it?? Those three little bright white dots are her girly parts (right above the word GIRL).
Of course, the first time we looked, as many of you know, she had her legs crossed and the cord was between them. So she may be a little stinker! We will see!
Now...let the planning begin! We have yet to come up with a good name that we both agree on so we still have to call her Baby2 for now. So, we are taking suggestions! Of course, had it been a boy, we have the name and have had it for a good while. Ha ha
YAY!! Wasnt there a girl name that you LOVE? Oh yeah, Roselyn..you cant both agree on that? You could name her Amy. Or not. I dont like it, its too short! Love you and miss you guys! It was so good seeing ya"ll on Saturday! Kiss Addy for me.
What abour Sarah?, or is that reserved for your baby doll only?
I like Elizabeth Hope ..
(Joy, Hope. . )
Those sonogram pictures are great...babies are so amazing...God worked out every detail perfectly, huh? Wow!
Ok! Let the name search begin!!!
AWESOME!! Another girl! You look like a girl maker! Amy would be a good name...I always wanted a Hannah Grace. I know you will think of something beautiful. If my William was a girl, he was going to be Addison by the way. Something else we have in common. :)I may have already shared that with you though.
How fun to have two little girls so close in age! They will cherish each other so much! Glad your little one cooperated this time.
Oh yay!! Girls are so much fun...you're going to love having a sister for Addison...Love ya girly
yay, congratulations!! I love the name Julia. Elizabeth is pretty too! It's Kay's middle name and Lorelei's! Have fun decorating. And remember, you're covered on clothes!
Ok well I will tell you that Grace is the most popular middle name in the world! That is Riley's name. I would try to pick something different and unique. But not too different. Make sure when she says it people can understand it and know how to spell it. I am sure you will pick something that is perfect! I miss you! Maybe we can get together over spring break!
Love ya!!
Congrats! I know you will come up with a beautiful name. I always liked the name Skyler. We couldn't ever come up with a maddle name for it. Hope all is well with you, the pregnancy, and the family.
Miss you
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