This skirt has become one of Addison's "staple" items from her closet. She wears it day and night if I will let her. She even wears it to the park! (Believe me, it wasn't worth fighting the battle, even though I didn't want her to get it dirty.) She is growing up so fast! She is convinced she is a Princess, which i have to agree with. I love the fact that she thinks that any time I wear
highheels, that I am a Princess too.

I also made my first set of
Scentsy samples the other day. I have seen different ways online to create samples. This was my first experiment with it. I melted the brick of wax (Baked Apple Pie) in a glass measuring cup for about 2 minutes in the microwave. Thanks to my sister Heather, I now
know NOT to grab the handle of the measuring cup without a potholder. It gets REALLY hot.
I lined a cookie sheet with foil and poured the wax on. I let the wax set up until it was hard enough for me to cut with a cookie cutter. I bought the cookie cutters at Hobby Lobby. They are the smallest ones that I could find. Anyway, after I cut the stars out, I placed them on another foil sheet so that they could finish cooling down and hardening all of the way.
I bought some small jewelery bags at Hobby Lobby to put the samples in. The stars were a little harder than the flowers to put in the little bags because of the points. So, I will be using the flower cookie cutter until I buy bigger bags! I had a lot of help bagging the samples up. Addison was convinced that she could get the stars in the bag, so needless to say, there were a lot of samples that were broken that I had to melt back down again and start over with. She had fun helping though, and that is all that matters.. :)

She had been watching me blow air into the bags to get them to open up. Monkey see, monkey do.

Now I need to put a label on them that says, "To Smell, Not to Eat" and the name of the scent, or something like that.
So, this was one experiment with wax samples. They turned out great. There were some that ended up thinner than others, so I may try the "Candy Mold method" for the next batch and see if that works better!
I also got my coffee bean tins in.
Yay! I just think they are cute. I know, I am weird. After smelling so many scent testers, they kind of start to smell all alike, so in order to clear out your nose, you smell coffee beans
in between. It really works!
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