I am hoping to make a new ritual/habit of reading to her several times a day. Even though I know she is too young to really understand, I want her to get in the habit of sitting there are trying to focus even if it is on pictures. She really does understand a lot of what I say to her now, so who knows, she may "get" more out of it than I think.
Here are the books that I got to bring home today. Look how many!! All for FREE!
Anway, I was able to go today because Chris took Addison to Longview to see his family. So, I stayed here and had lunch with a friend and cleaned the house. (WHich took 3 hours!! *sigh*..and I know it will all start over again tomorrow!)
Also, here's a fun little Fill -in -the blank About Me.
ABC's of ME
Accent: Southern...Texan to be specific
Bible book I like the best: Philippians
Chore I don't care for: LAUNDRY!
Dog or Cat: Dogs..because I hate cleaning/smelling litter boxes
Essential Electronics: Cell Phone! It's always near
Favorite Perfume(s): Ralph Lauren Romance & Ralph Lauren Blue
Goals: Finish Medical Transcription school and find a job!
Handbag I carry most often: a diaper bag..who has a handbag when your a mom?
Insomnia: Rarely. I CAN sleep most of the time. I just get busy (usually online) and don't
Job Title: Hairdresser/Mom/Wife/Student
Kids: (1) 13 mo. old baby girl
Living arrangements: I live with my husband and daughter in Texas
Most admirable trait: ?? I feel silly answering that about myself
Naughtiest childhood behaviour: Coloring on the wall and then blaming Jennifer.
Overnight hospital stays: 1. Had my tonsils removed. 2.Had a cyst removed from my groin when I was small...so I think it was overnight. 3. When I had Addison..and I stayed night, after night, after night!
Phobias: Death if loved ones
Quote: From my dad when I was scared to do/ask something. "What are they gonna do?? Take you out back and shoot you?" I live by this motto a LOT.
Religion: Christian
Siblings: 3--Jennifer, (Me), Heather, Angelia
Time I wake up: When Addison does, so it is always different.
Unusual talent or skill: I don't really think its a talent/skill but I am a pretty good scrapbooker I guess. I think I have an eye for that kind of stuff.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Squash...all except spaghetti squash which I LOVE...and okra.
Worst habit: smelling laundry. Yes, I smell every piece as I am folding. I just don't want anything to have sat in the washer too long and soured, ect.
X-rays: None
Yummy stuff I cook: Bolognese Bread Pizza, Breakfast Casserole, Zuppa Tuscana are a few of my favs
Zoo animal I like most: Flamingos
1 comment:
Girl! I'm going to steal all those books..there are some GOOD ones in that pile! We have a lot of books...I love children's book and could look at them for hours...but! we've gotten away from reading like we should...thanks for the reminder...I feel refreshed to get going again in that department! Hugs to you and Addy!
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