Intro to video blogging from Amber Barber on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Video Blog
Here is my first video blog. You probably need to scroll down and click "pause" on the the music player below before pressing play on this video, otherwise its just going to be a whole mess of noise.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Husbands & Wives

This is an example of the stereotypical husband/wife dynamic. I thought it was too funny because, yes, I have been here myself many times.
"Over the years, Eric has developed the defensive tactic of selective hearing. I've seen this kind of evolution before --my father has the same skill. The benefits of this are obvious --much less time wasted in attending to every fleeting hysterical fit his wife induges in. I, however, have in response mastered a technique of incremental amplification that has proven most effective in breaking down his defenses. And once he is roused to a reaction, he is at a distinct disadvantage, as he has not heard much of my rant and therefore cannot accurately judge what piece of it he should best respond to in order to defuse it. Plus, because he was the one not listening to me, I gain the moral high ground. Darwinism at work, my friends."--Excerpt from Julie&Julia
Now come true is this?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Macyn is Here!
Well, as you all know, we have added a member to our family!

Macyn Kate
8/6/09 @ 1:46
7 lbs. 19"

Macyn and Mommy are both doing very well!

So far, Macyn has been a pleasant, calm baby for the most part. I am really enjoying having her around, although it is definitly an adjustment to our normal routine. Thankfully, Chris has taken off of work for a couple of weeks and is helping so much. I don't know what I am going to do when he goes back though!

Addison absolutly LOVES Macyn! She is jealous at times but loves to give her kisses and hugs. She wants to hold her all of the time (with help of course). She is very concerned with making sure Macyn has her paci, so we have to watch her closely. She can be rough even though she only wants to help.

And our home fellowship group from church (headed up by Karen) has brought us food for 7 days! It has made the transition a lot easier! We can worry about the kiddos instead of worrying about supper. Although, now we are spoiled! Especially since Karen keeps bringing me her famous cookies! Now though, I guess it is time to get back on track with the eating right. I've got to get back into my bikini. Haha, Ok, maybe not!
Here are some pics with our new little bundle of joy!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Macyn's Baby Nursery
Well, here it is!! An "almost" finished project! We only lack a few touches..mirror/shelves/photoframes, etc...and of course Macyn! But we are ready for her! I am getting so excited and anxious now that her nursery is ready. Chris has worked his tail off getting this room ready and I am so proud of him. It was the extra room/hair room/office. So, it had pipes and a shampoo sink sticking out of the wall, plus cables and cords from the computer everywhere. He meticulously painted one wall turquoise at my request..which meant making super straight lines so the paint wouldn't bleed onto the other wall.
Jo Slye made the baby quilt and pillows and bed skirt that I love so much!! Such a good job!
Chris even went to himself..and searched out the curtains and rug that I wanted. :)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I told you I could sew!! HA
Addison has developed a love for Elmo, as you probably know. She wants to watch Elmo ALL the time. I wake up hearing the theme song in my head sometimes..."La-la-la-la, Elmo's World."
Anyway, not too long ago, we were at my mom's house and she found an old baby blanket of Devin's (Who is 6.. I think??) that had an Elmo print on it. It was old, and very boyish..but she loves it. She has taken to carrying it and sleeping with her "covers."
She just started nursery school, so I decided to try to make an Elmo blanket that was kind of girly for her. We will see how she likes it... I don't know yet. Probably won't have anything to do with it but I thought I would try it out. It is a "rag blanket" which means that the edges are frayed on purpose. :)
I know I get stuff made for me usually but that doesn't mean I cannot sew. (Ahem...April :)) So here is proof! Now, it's not the best job in the world, I know...but it didn't fall apart in the washer...yet!! Haha
I didn't sew the name; I had that put on at William's Sporting Goods. But other than that--here it is!!

Anyway, not too long ago, we were at my mom's house and she found an old baby blanket of Devin's (Who is 6.. I think??) that had an Elmo print on it. It was old, and very boyish..but she loves it. She has taken to carrying it and sleeping with her "covers."
She just started nursery school, so I decided to try to make an Elmo blanket that was kind of girly for her. We will see how she likes it... I don't know yet. Probably won't have anything to do with it but I thought I would try it out. It is a "rag blanket" which means that the edges are frayed on purpose. :)
I know I get stuff made for me usually but that doesn't mean I cannot sew. (Ahem...April :)) So here is proof! Now, it's not the best job in the world, I know...but it didn't fall apart in the washer...yet!! Haha
I didn't sew the name; I had that put on at William's Sporting Goods. But other than that--here it is!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Take me out to the ballgame...
My Mom, Dad, Chris and I all went to a Ranger's game on Monday and we had a great time! We had really good tickets, thanks to Chris' dad. We were 6 rows up from the front and right down the first base line. Here is a photo i took..pretty close huh? Of course, if the Ranger's had won the game, it would have been even better..but oh well!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Fun in the Sun!
I am so excited about the summer and the pretty weather outside! It's fun letting Addison play outside for a change. Now she is old enough to really enjoy it. Last week my sister and I took the kids to the park for a day, and had a picnic lunch there. We also bought a baby pool with a slide for Addison, so that she has something to do at home as well. 
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pictures from the Crawfish Boil
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