Thursday, March 26, 2009

What lurks in the bottom of your purse??

I was reading a fellow blogger's page (Slye Goobies) and she had a post like this one. It made me curious to see what really WAS in the bottom of my purse.

(OK, first of all, notice that there is no wallet??? What, What?? Isn't that the point?)

*Halls cough drops
*Chloraseptic sore throat lozenges
*Checkbook (with a baby hair bow stuck to it)
*Church Bulletin
*Whataburger and Daylight Donut receipts (WHat?? I'm pregnant, leave me alone!)
*clothespin -who knows why
*B-natal lollipop for nausea
*broken snowflake key chain (probably should go in the trash category)
*2 packs of gum (Actually 3!!! After I took the photo and started putting stuff back in my purse, I found another pack! haha Not worth pulling it all out and taking another photo)
*Makeup Palette
*7 lip gloss/lipstick/chap stick -And the funny thing is i hardly wear any of it.. I forget to put it on!
*lip liner
*2 roll on perfume sticks
*And of course trash..mostly gum wrappers!

Neat exercise and of course, makes me realize I need to find my wallet and clean out my purse!
What's lurking in the bottom of your purse??


slyefamily said...

The nausea lolipop is my favorite!

Karen said...

My snowflake keychain broke too!