In case you all don't know, I finished school and am now a working medical transcriptionist! I usually type at night when the girls go to bed, which is why I am such a stickler on bedtimes. I like routine, so you will rarely see me out and about because it will interfere with nap times and bedtimes and such.
I also started selling Scentsy...which I LOVE. And in case you don't know what Scentsy is, it is a collection of wax and wax warmers that operate off of a low-wattage light bulb. There are over 80 scents to choose from, as well as numerous fashionable warmers to go with any decor.
I am having so much fun selling it, it's ridiculous. Last month was my first month selling Scentsy, and I was aiming for $500 in sales. I thought that seemed a little steep, but I figured I would try it anyway. I ended the month at $2650.00!! Can you believe it?? This stuff sells itself! I am on track for this month too...I will reveal my total at the end of the month but I am hoping to surpass last month's goal!
Anyway, I became a fan of it after I smelled it in a photography studio. I decided to host a party and I loved the stuff so much, I decided to become a consultant. I figured I didn't have much to lose. I did not have to invest a lot to get started, just $99. I thought that if I didn't enjoy selling it, I could just use the testers of wax that you get and burn them in my warmer. Why not?? Well, it has proved so far to be a great little business for me. I am having fun..AND making money. It's not really like working when you get to go to parties! Truthfully though, I haven't had to do a whole lot of home parties either. People have been having basket parties for me. A basket party is where they take the scent testers and order forms and get the orders. All I have to do is put the orders in online, and when the product comes in, I bag it up for the hostess and give it back to her to deliver. So, really, my hostesses are doing almost all of the work for me. Thank you guys! :)
I have been working on an order tonight and here is what my house looks like on days I get a UPS shipment in.
I do have a Scentsy website if you are curious about the product. You can order directly online and have it sent to your house if you would like. I promise, once you smell this product, nothing else compares!
And above all, my #1 job is being a wife and mommy! It is the most rewarding out of all. I stay-at-home with my girls, so I get the joy of watching my girls grow. Macyn is getting her second tooth and just learned to crawl..although she still scoots some too. Addison is becoming less of a baby every day. I am so sad to see her grow up so fast, but I am also delighted in the progress she makes. We named her Addison Joy for a reason, she truly is a joyful little thing...and fills my heart with more joy than I could ever have hoped for!
So, I will try to make more frequent blog updates, which will probably be on the progress and activities of the girls!