Well, today was the first day I have ever left Addison with someone else all day long. (Other than Chris...which was only once.) I decided that it was way too hard to do hair and have her here. I still do a few hairdos on Fridays for friends and family but Addison does NOT like me being in the room without her..so I decided to pay a babysitter one day a week. Of course, I picked one that I am most confident with..my sister :) Wouldn't you know that the one day I pay for daycare is the one day that two clients either forgot or stood me up! Sheesh! So, I guess I am going to pick her up in a minute.... even though I could have gotten her at 2 if only I had known. Regardless, I have missed her something terrible today. It is probably harder for me than it is for her when we are apart. She's growing way too fast and getting so big. Here is a video of my little "mighty mouse." She is too big for her britches...she sure didn't stay a baby long.
OH!! My laptop and my books all came in...so I can start my medical transcription school now! woohoo!
Here is a video of Addison swimming. She LOVES the water. I forgot that I uploaded it a while ago and it has been sitting in my drafts folder. oops! She is just getting too big...too fast!